Other State Tax Credits

As new state legislation has been enacted for various other types of tax credits, TCC has grown in an effort to accommodate the market. TCC has formed state New Markets Tax Credit Funds in Louisiana and Mississippi.
TCC has further played an active role in numerous states that offer incentives to the film industry, and operates film credit funds in Louisiana and Rhode Island.
The company has also played an active role in establishing film infrastructure in Louisiana, this being essential after the success of the film production tax credit. When the legislature enacted an infrastructure tax credit in Louisiana, TCC established a fund to accommodate that type of tax credit as well. The company is currently working with developers on infrastructure projects that involve the combination of several different types of tax credits to include the infrastructure tax credit and the Broadway South tax credit, among others.
As state legislatures continue to enact new types of tax credits, TCC continues to strive to accommodate new markets. It has worked with the Conservation Credit in Virginia, and is currently working with Green Credits in numerous states.
For information on state credits please contact:
Amy V. Bowman
In House Counsel
504.620.8292 (direct)
800.598.2883 (toll free)
George E. Brower II
Managing Member
504.799.3199 (Fax)